
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in stroke, travel and art.

Volunteer at the school

Volunteer at the school

On Thursday 14th December, I returned to White Woman Lane Junior School where I previously worked as a volunteer for a year in 2013. I worked with my friend’s Year 6 class and observed my friend’s teaching practice. I returned to regain familiarity with the

teaching environment and to interact with the children.

I observed the Guided Reading session where the class were writing letters to an author and listened to some of them read their letters aloud.

After, I observed the Higher Learning Teacher Assistant teach small a maths intervention group. They played games such as dominoes.

Finally, I shadowed my friend taking a small reading intervention group called speed readers to help improve reading stamina.

I fully enjoyed my experience and started to become aware of how I could now fit in with the teaching environment.

(Edited by Tanya)

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Post - Stroke Fatigue

Post - Stroke Fatigue

My new car!!

My new car!!