
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in stroke, travel and art.

Autumn Season

Autumn Season

Autumn is here. Leaves wilting , halloween, cozy nights by the fire…..

Updates on my life:

  1. Physio - I restarted physio, my physiotherapist suggested new hand splints. I’m feeling positive and will be sharing my experience so keep an eye out for this.

  2. Speech - My speech therapist helped me register on a college course to study Specific Learning Difficulties and I’m hoping to use this to achieve my goal of becoming a teaching assistant at a special education school. I will be going to college twice a week, alongside volunteering with speech therapy university students. I am looking forward to restart working with the students. I’m excited about all the things i’m getting involved with and the progress I am making.

  3. Nutrition - I am going to a gym twice a week to lose weight and my health.

  4. Dentist -I researched about new whitening teeth. I went to the dentist for cleaning and X-ray for my teeth. The dentist said why don’t try veneer so I booked further appointments and then, new whitening veneer!

  5. Holiday - I think I booked my holiday for Christmas and New Year. Maybe Egypt or Morocco or Dubai. But, not sure yet because of Covid.

How I got my licence back....

How I got my licence back....

